Transvestism Without Cross Dressing
by Doris Louise (32- G-6)
The common dictionary definition of transvestism is the "de- sire to wear the clothes of the opposite sex. " I believe, however, that there is more than cross dressing in being a true transves- tite. Like all TV's of course, I know the tremendous thrill of wearing lovely dainty lingerie and beautiful dresses. Of all the kicks that life has to offer, I can't think of anything more thrill- ing and exciting than standing in front of a mirror dressed in a pair of lacy pink or blue flare type panties (my favorites), garter belt, nylons, brassiere, and a beautiful lacy nylon slip. Stand- ing front of this mirror, pulling up ones slip so that the slip, pan- ties, and nylons all show is a gorgeous sight of loveliness that I consider the ultimate in pleasure. Of course all TV's have ex- perienced this thrill and you might say that this is the icing on the cake.
So far I haven't said anything that was any different than the previously mentioned definition of transvestism. You might ask then what's he driving at? Well, as I said before, I believe that there is more to transvestism than this. During this past year I've really begun to realize this as my opportunities to cross dress have been extremely limited. You see, dear girls, I'm in the Air Force, presently stationed at an isolated base overseas and my opportunities to indulge in my favorite pastime are ex- tremely limited. You might be interested to know that I've been in the military for over 20 years, am married, and have been a TV for most of this time. Cross dressing or no cross dressing I'm enjoying being a TV practically all the time. This is why I believe there is more to it than actually being dressed in femin- ine attire.
Okay wise guy, you must be saying by now, what is your an- gle? First let's consider the normal biological desire or drive existing between the male and female sex which leads to union.